Monday, November 10, 2014

New to the Neighborhood

Although I am new here..and the title applies..what I have to share today is not about this new blog. What I have come it share are few recent incidents that will restore your faith in the goodness of people and have given me warm fuzzies about the new neighborhood in which we moved. Moving can be a scary thing, and previous experiences may have you jaded..but building good relationships with the people who surround you can be very rewarding.

My hubby ((Noah)), seven year old son ((Landen)), and I recently moved into a little loop of perfect little town-homes. I will get into my obsession with our new home in the future..but all I can say for now is our neighbors are FANTASTIC. We are not the quietest in the bunch, and after a week of demo, late night construction projects, and about 10 different trucks (from the carpenter to Cox Communication) blocking the drive...I was sure we weren't making many friends and cookies would definitely be in order once we got settled in.

But this was not the case...the first couple we met across from across the street we as welcoming as can be, the husband called Landen over opened up a big box of Hot Wheels and let him have his pick.

Later in the week, as we worked diligently on pulling out baseboards, our next door neighbor and her son came knocking on the door, in hand was a big pitcher of lemonade and some cups to drink from. If you have ever experienced the lack of food or drinks while moving in, you can understand my excitement. Needless to say this was the only item in our fridge for the next couple days. I was in shock at the thoughtfulness and gesture.

When it was time to start moving our items in, we packed our cars to the brim...making trips from our previous house to our new home. We pulled up. Unloaded. Got back in the car for the next run, and with no advance warning my car battery decided it would be the perfect time to die. Like a scene from a movie my sweet little car was stuck in the middle of the road. Luckily I have learned to laugh at my (somewhat often reoccurring) misfortune, however calling a tow truck for a jump was not part of my "master move plan". While I searched for the closest tow yard, another neighbor (who we had not yet met) arrived home, introduced themselves, the ran inside only to return with jumper cables in hand. "Here hold on to these for a few days, and let us know if you ever need anything else!"

We met many neighbors over the past couple weeks, from candy giving on Halloween to friendly dog owners walking by..and I am just overwhelmed by the welcoming spirit and community I feel. Minus the one couple who yelled "its 7pm! too late for ringing the doorbell" on Halloween and the mystery nastygram note left on my girlfriend's car that was "poorly parked" I would say we hit the jackpot in friendly neighbors. And am optimistic that we can win the others over with cookies..because who doesnt like cookies.

xo. Kristen

1 comment:

  1. I love it, I can't wait to have our first dinner party there
